Friday, October 17, 2008

Back to Democracy Candidate Forum 10/16/08

Tom Schlee

Charles Wolff

Last night Back To Democracy held a Candidate Forum at the Trumansburg Fire Hall, in order to inform the public about an important race which will be decided on the November 4th ballot. The incumbent Ulysses Town Justice Tom Schlee, is being challenged by a local attorney, Charles Wolff.

You will see a link to an mp3 file of the meeting below. If you click on the link, you can listen from within your browser, but there is usually a way to move this mp3 file to your desktop. In Firefox, you wait for the whole file to move to the browser, (a minute or two) then you go - File - Save Page As..... and you can put it anywhere you want. The advantage is that you can then listen with other programs (Real Player, Itunes etc.) which allow you to adjust equalizer settings and they give you a time counter. With the time counter and my notes below, you can jump to the part that interests you.

Here's the link to the mp3 file