Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Town Board Meeting 4/8/08

You can listen to the meeting by going to (THIS LINK)

(see post below from 3/5/08 for technical info)

***** The recording starts before the meeting has officially started. Liz Thomas, Marcia Georgia, and Allen Carstensen, are chatting about the possibility of getting these mp3's up on the Village and Town websites.

9 minutes 15 seconds -- they're talking about various bills to pay

11 m 30 s -- pledge of allegiance, accept minutes of 3/11 meeting

17 m 40 s -- planning board representatives, Rebecca Schneider and Ken Zeserson talked about Unique Natural Areas (UNA's)

21 m 15 s -- Dave Kerness resolution asking planning board to focus on water districts, and UNA's, and conservation zoning, lake front zoning, alternative energy, residential and commercial zoning, in preparation for the adoption of a completed Comprehensive Plan, and subsequent zoning revisions

23 m 40 s -- Diane Hillman - Jacksonville Association

37m 10s - recreation partnership discussion with Roxanne Marino

41 m 0 s -- DPW - Jim Meeker talks about the possibility of the Town buying a parcel adjacent to the Town Barn.

48 m 30s -- Code enforcement - Dick Coogan - Grassroots camping on Agard Rd. is technically a zoning violation. No conclusion reached.

55 m 40 s -- Town Clerk financial

56 m 10 s -- Lucia Tyler reports that Tom Schlee and Michele have worked out a schedule for Night Court

57 m 20 s -- Dave Kerness on bulk mailing

1h 3m 40s -- budget problems - The supervisor's budget is off by $300,000! Hopefully this is just an easily corrected error.

lh 7m 30s -- Dick Coogan? UNA's, and Storm Water Annual Report

1h 12m 35s -- Dick on the web page - stay with John Levine or go to Road Runner - $130/month extra I think he said but that sounds wrong - probably 130 extra per year. town business should be done on servers paid for by the town and should be backed up.

1h 20m 40s -- Rt. 96 corridor? April 23rd at PRI 6:30 public meeting. Fly over - cost us $15,000 - attempt to locate failed septic systems. Apparently we got a lot of false positives.

1h 25m 50s -- Dog control officer - should he be an employee of the town, or a contractor? No conclusion

1h 42m 20s -- Lucia Tyler reads her resolution to nix WD5 alt C, and do it right, giving the Water Commission time to do it's work, and wait for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan, and zoning revisions. Vote,
Dave Kerness - aye
Liz Thomas ----aye
Lucia Tyler ---aye
Doug Austic ---nay
Heated discussion follows when Dave asks Doug to explain his vote.

1h 50m 56s -- Apparently the discussion here is wether or not to include a "Farm Protection Plan" as part of the Comprehensive Plan - Much confusion follows about how much this would cost.

2h 6m 10s -- schedule change - the next working Town Board meeting will be 4/24/08 at 8:30 am instead of 7 pm. Dave's bringing the donuts!

2h 8m 0s -- back to Dave's issue (resolution?) to ask for planning board work. Dave and Doug have very different concepts about how this should proceed.

at the very end of the recording - my battery dies - Doug asks for comments and Roxanne begins to say something about the WD resolution - perhaps she will send me her thoughts so I can post them here.

(4/19/08) Roxanne feels that May 2009 as a target date for submitting a new plan for a water district is too soon to let the processes of the water survey and water needs committee analyses, consideration of a new Comp Plan (presuming one is adopted in the late fall to early winter of 2008), etc. fully be incorporated into a new water district proposal.